Nations Commission for 
 a Sustainable  Environment (UNCSE)

Mission Statement

UNCSE United Nations Commission for a Sustainable Environment’s program

Provision of Facilities and Logistical support to the UN System

Funding of UN Organizations, Agencies, Commissions

Setting up a special commission under the UN Programs and Projects funded
by the International Woodland Institute

Provision of Regional Hubs of Excellence for Health, Education and
Humanitarian Relief, Trade, Business and Professional Development       

Provision of Direct Funding for Forestry Conservation, Development,

Development of Sustainable Energy Alternatives

The Foundation will establish networks between the Academic Institutions
in Africa and links to International Academic Institutions

Pilot Program

The Pilot Programs will be located in East Africa and the extended Program
will cover Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Tanzania, South Africa, Ghana,
Mali, and Senegal.

                            Email: info@uncse.international